There are innumerable causes with which you may become involved. Pick one that means something to you and help out. The cause will benefit from your time and/or money, and you will benefit from the great feeling of helping others. I don't mean that you need to give all of your money to charity or spend every waking moment volunteering. Pick one cause, helping homeless dogs or walking to raise funds or reading to elderly people, and do it. I have recently re-begun helping a dog rescue organization. For the last two years, I have not been spending any time on charities and began to realize that I was unhappy with myself. After transporting two dogs (all rescue groups need "taxi" service), I felt so good for helping them on their way to a new, happy, loving home. There is something great about helping out that makes you feel wonderful. I think if unhappy people, those people that don't really know why they're unhappy, volunteered for something, they would find their attitudes changing and find themselves becoming happier. For me, volunteering and working for a cause gives me more purpose and direction than the day-to-day obligations. Many people think they don't have the time to volunteer, but they're wrong. You can spend 1 or 2 hr a week on a service and still really help an organization. If you have children, get them involved, too. Children who learn to volunteer and help others become better adults. Let the kids decide what they are interested in and what they want to do. Go to an animal shelter and play with the animals. What kids don't want to play with dogs and cats? There are several websites that will direct you to possible volunteer opportunities. Just Google "volunteer" and your location.
Do Something!
Through trial and error and usually alot of frustration, there are things I've learned that I thought would be helpful to others. These posts could be science related, general life, school, anything really, but are often about dogs. I also post on issues about which I feel strongly.
Millions of dogs and cats are killed each year simply because there is no place for them to go or anyone to care for them. This terrible overpopulation will be eliminated by being a responsible person and spaying/neutering your pet.
Alabama Animal Alliance Spay/Neuter Clinic at 334-239-7387 (PETS)
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