What is wrong with people and with our world when defenseless dogs are tied to a tree and left to starve? Dogs threw their towel in our ring thousands of years ago. They've aided us in the hunt, in protecting our homes and families, in companionship and how do we repay that undying loyalty? People tie the dog to a tree so it can't get away and then leave it to starve. Those kind of people have no place in a civilized society and should be removed. Send them to the moon, a deserted island, or shoot them, I don't care, but don't let them have animals ever again. Better yet, treat them as they treated these animals. The strong in this world are charged with the responsibility to care for and aid those weaker than us. This includes children, elderly, and animals...even adults that are unable to care for themselves. What kind of monster hurts and tries to destroy those weaker than themselves? There is a blackness, a hole, in those kinds of people that no amount of "therapy" or "rehabilitation" will fill or cure.
In working with a dog rescue group, you see all sorts of terrible human behavior. The worst part is we can't even file charges against the person because the authorities will take the dog as "evidence". For the dog's sake, especially after it has been through such tragedy, we must try to find it a new, better home and can only wish ill on the terrible person who hurt it. I hope that person rots in hell.
Through trial and error and usually alot of frustration, there are things I've learned that I thought would be helpful to others. These posts could be science related, general life, school, anything really, but are often about dogs. I also post on issues about which I feel strongly.
Millions of dogs and cats are killed each year simply because there is no place for them to go or anyone to care for them. This terrible overpopulation will be eliminated by being a responsible person and spaying/neutering your pet.
Alabama Animal Alliance Spay/Neuter Clinic at 334-239-7387 (PETS)
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