of dogs and cats are killed each year simply because there is no place for them to go or anyone to care for them. This terrible overpopulation will be eliminated by being a responsible person and spaying/neutering your pet.
Alabama Animal Alliance Spay/Neuter Clinic at 334-239-7387 (PETS)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

use the library and encourage reading

In this time of national financial trouble, we have tried to cut back on "unnecessary" costs as much as possible. Although my husband and I make good money, the cost of gas and food has increased so much that we've had to cut out extras to keep up. I'm sure many people are finding this to be the reality right now. I really enjoy reading and have purchased numerous books in my lifetime. This last year, I have stopped purchasing and borrow instead. Our library system is really great in that all of the libraries are linked throughout the county and a card holder can check out books from any library in the system, not just the local small library that may not carry many books. The books are even transported, completely free, to your local library for you to pick up. It's a fabulous system and one that should be adopted everywhere. I have been able to read many more authors that I wouldn't have tried if I were purchasing the books. It's really great to know that I can start a book and just return it if I don't like it. You can check out cookbooks, non-fiction, fiction, anything. I've checked out cookbooks and just copied my favorite recipes into a spiral notebook to be later typed into the computer whenever I find the time. This way, you don't have a hundred cookbooks sitting around with only a few recipes in each one that you like and use. I like to read books on dog training or on cockatiel care. I've bought several in the past, but now I check them out and read them for any knowledge I don't already have from the purchased books. Many of the books contain redundant information and I see no reason to purchase this information repeatedly.
So USE YOUR LIBRARY. Your taxes pay for it. Make use of it. Take your kids there on Saturday and let them pick out a couple of books for the week, on any subject appropriate for their age. I absolutely guarantee this will aid them in their schoolwork and, eventually, in life. I spent many Saturdays at the library as a kid and now have a passion for reading and knowledge and completed a doctorate, so I can say it helped me in my schoolwork. Take yourself there and pick out something silly or smart or humorous or romantic or mysterious. Relaxing for an hour with a good book is the best regenerative time you can take for yourself. And if your kids and husband are sitting with their own books, you won't be bothered.
Encouraging your children to read instead of watching TV or playing video games or sitting at a computer will benefit them to an incredible extent. It will expand their minds, enhance their imaginations, increase their vocabulary and language skills, and--most importantly--provide quiet time for you.

clothes line dryers and helping the environment

My husband and I just purchased an "umbrella" style clothes line dryer. We've decided, living in the south with such warm, beautiful summers, that we should hang our clothes out to dry rather than using the dryer. Not using the dryer whenever possible saves on electricity costs and helps the environment in a small way. Imagine if everyone only used their dryer when hanging out clothes was impossible. How much energy would be saved? It also reduces wear and tear on the dryer so that it will last longer. In addition, drying clothes outside leaves them with that fresh, summer smell that can not be duplicated by a dryer sheet, no matter how hard the companies try. Sleeping on line dried sheets is a treat. I do recommend that, if you decide to line dry towels, bring them inside when just slightly damp and use the dryer for a few minutes. Otherwise, they will be stiff. Drying in the dryer for a few minutes will fluff them and still save on energy. You can purchase these stand-alone umbrella dryers from numerous places. We found ours at The only thing you have to do is dig a hole and use some concrete to stabilize the pole. The fast setting Quikcrete worked just fine for us. If you don't use the concrete, the weight of the clothes on the lines will cause the dryer to topple over so be sure to follow the directions for the depth of the hole, etc.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Service Magic finds contractors for you

I recently began using Service Magic. They have a service where you tell them what you need, concrete or an electrician etc., and they send your information to a local contractor. The contractor will contact you and set up an appointment for your needs. So far, we've found a roofer and an electrician this way. It's much easier than searching around the internet and trying to find someone. Also, I have my own customer service person at Service Magic whom I simply email my needs and he sends me the contractor's info. They charge the contractor for the service so it doesn't cost you anything unless the contractor includes it in the price of the work he does for you, which he may. Do remember that they charge the contractor whether or not you contract them to do the work so only use the service if you are serious.

fishy smelling appliance receptacles

If you ever notice a fishy smell that occurs when you have a major appliance going, such as a dryer, turn off the breaker and call an electrician. Don't continue to use the appliance. We had noticed this odd, fishy smell for about a week that occurred every time we ran our dryer. I finally got smart and googled "fish smell dryer" and found out that the smell is bakelite melting. Old receptacles were made from bakelite, a kind of plastic, that smells like fish when it is overheated and begins to melt. We called out an electrician who replaced the receptacle. He told us that there was a loose connection which generated heat and caused the whole issue. Had we not fixed it, it could've caused an electrical fire.
To replace a receptacle was $162, of which $110 was labor for 10 mins of work. If you are savvy and can replace the receptacle yourself, it will cost you $12. I was afraid there was some underlying cause that would need to be fixed so I wanted a licensed electrician to do it. Now that I know it was just the receptacle, I wish I could go back and replace it ourselves. Oh well, live and learn.