of dogs and cats are killed each year simply because there is no place for them to go or anyone to care for them. This terrible overpopulation will be eliminated by being a responsible person and spaying/neutering your pet.
Alabama Animal Alliance Spay/Neuter Clinic at 334-239-7387 (PETS)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I Believe part 2

Some more on what I believe.

On gay marriage:
If two consenting adults decide to make a lifetime commitment to one another, whose business is it but those two people? No one's. It is no one's right to say that two adults can not marry. There is not one logical reason for gay people to not marry. I challenge anyone to give me a logical reason, not religious, not emotional, but logical. This article makes alot of sense:
In this world, finding love and commitment is hard enough. If you find someone to put up with you (to loosely quote a song), you should hold onto that person with all of your might. The government has no right to interfere in people's personal lives, as long as they are harming no one else, and can not say that gay people can not marry. That is just ludicrous. I know PLENTY of straight people who should never get married or should not have married who they did and with a divorce rate of 50%, I bet everyone knows someone who left their commitment. We're not saying their marriages should be legislated so why should gay marriage be legislated against? In this country, we are guaranteed, by our constitution, the right to life, liberty, and the PURSUIT of happiness. By that very guarantee, gay people have the same rights to marry as straight people.
If it's against YOUR religion, so what. You aren't being asked to participate. Your religious beliefs have no bearing on what should be legislated.
"Gay marriage erodes the tradition of marriage" How? The tradition of marriage is two people vowing to love, honor, and cherish for the remainder of their lives. If the two people are gay, so what.
Imagine how hard a life it must be to be gay and so unaccepted by your own country. Life is hard enough, why would anyone choose to make their life harder if they could help it? And back to the religious view, God tells us to love our fellow man as if they are our own brethren. Hating someone because they are gay, or of a certain race, or different religion, is AGAINST GOD'S LAWS. So drop the religious argument already.

on Yard Ornament Dogs:
If you choose to leave your dog outside all of the time and never have him as a part of the family, YOU are the one missing out. Your dog would be happier as a member of the family, yes, but dogs provided food, water, and shelter tend to entertain themselves and live in the now, not longing for something they don't have. You are the one missing out on the amazing relationship you could have with your dog. I pity you.

That's all I feel passionate about today. I'm sure there will be more to come.

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